Three members of our staff were delighted to receive invitations to a reception at Number 10 Downing Street yesterday, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson thanked social care workers for their courage, selflessness and hard work throughout the pandemic.

Nurse Viorelia Dragos, quality & training co-ordinator Aarti Lal and Caroline O’Connor, our head of activities, were delighted to chat with Boris Johnson and other guests about Parkfield’s experience of the pandemic.

Aarti says: “When I received the invite via email, at first I thought I was dreaming and asked Caroline to pinch me! It was so special knowing that I had been appreciated during all the difficulties associated with the pandemic, and that I was able to make a difference. This was a lifetime opportunity to see the Prime Minister and, of course, a very memorable one.”

“What a wonderful opportunity, to meet our Prime Minister again and visit the famous Number Ten Downing Street,” agrees Caroline, while Vio adds: “I was so excited knowing that I will be going to Number Ten to see our PM. It was very much enjoyed, and I will cherish the moment.”

Aarti also took the opportunity to ask the PM when he intends to come back to Parkfield, as a follow-up to his successful visit in October 2019. He seemed very receptive to the suggestion. “I definitely will,” he promised.

“It was a very memorable moment, which we all thoroughly appreciated and ended the day with memories,” she says.
